Early Struggles of Entrepreneurs and How to Manage Them

Most regular 9 to 5 employees would give up all they have just so they can enjoy a sense of accomplishment that owning their own business brings. But of course, these entrepreneurs did not get where they are without making plenty of sacrifices and encountering a lot of challenges. To prepare you for the “entrepreneur road” that you plan to travel on, here are some of the struggles that these people encounter.


Starting a business requires capital, no matter how small the business is. This means entrepreneurs have to have a source of funds which will shoulder cost of the initial operation of the business. If you have saved money for starting up a business, you are lucky because you will not need to borrow any money from other people and not cause you to worry when the time to pay them comes. If you are considering borrowing, make sure you are borrowing an amount, which you can pay whether or not you will succeed as an entrepreneur.

Before going to banks or other lending institutions, entrepreneurs first try asking financial support from friends or families. If you want, you can offer paying more than what you will be borrowing to show that you are considering it a business deal. Of course, make sure that you will be paying them according to your agreement.


Many start-up entrepreneurs have difficulties with time management. In most cases, they do not have enough human resources to manage all activities during the first days of your business. You could find yourself juggling so many things at the same time. In order to avoid feeling burned out or stressed, entrepreneurs learn to prioritize their activities. You can start by planning your activities carefully and listing down which require your attention most.


Despite a well-thought of business plan, entrepreneurs also experience some problems with planning. You can attribute this from lack of experience and knowledge. The good news is this predicament offers much opportunity for learning. You are actually lucky for living in such a modern today where access to information is convenient and easy. Devour as many information as you can from books and the internet to create your own formula to become a successful entrepreneur.