When To Apply For An Outdoor Advertising License?

Applying for an outdoor advertising license is an essential requirement for any advertising activity visible from public roads. The purpose of the municipal regulatory ordinances is to guarantee that the facilities necessary to display advertising comply with the required security conditions, and to control and supervise the impact of this advertising activity on the urban landscape.

Whether the advertising elements need installation on supports, fixing structures with anchorage in the pavement or on the façade, they will need an urban planning license, administrative authorization or prior communication, as the case may be.

If you already have advertising signs in your business and want to renew them to update their design, you will have to apply again for an outdoor advertising license. You must re-process, thereby, requesting permission to advertise (ขออนุญาตโฆษณา, which is the term in Thai) to obtain a license from your city council.

Duration Of The Processing Of An Outdoor Advertising License

When applying for an outdoor advertising license, you will have to take into account whether you are going to need a technical project or not. The technical project, in the application for an outdoor advertising license, is necessary if the nature of the advertising elements has certain constructive and safety characteristics.

When you have to submit a technical project to obtain an outdoor advertising license, you must count on the time that it will take for technicians, architects or collegiate engineers to write it. Depending on the complexity, it can be from four or five days to several months.

For example, the installation of advertising posts, building crowning signs, signs located on the top floors of the facade will surely require the presentation of a technical project to obtain the outdoor advertising license.

In addition to the time it takes for the technician to carry out the technical project, the competent body that grants or denies urban planning licenses has a period to resolve the external advertising license file. At most, it is usually for two months. If after this time, the administration has not ruled, each city hall marks the actions to be followed in the face of administrative silence.