How To Open An Account To Trade In The Stock Market?

In this article, we will teach how to open an account to trade in the stock market, perhaps there is much talk about obtaining knowledge and analysis, but the administrative issue is often the one that passes us the account, so we will briefly explain how this procedure is achieved.

The issues that must be kept in mind to open an account to Day trade in the stock market are the following:

Required Documentation

Stockbrokers, who are the entities in charge of opening accounts, generally request an identity card, an account that certifies the address of the account holder. Also, on many occasions, they request salary settlements in the case of being a dependent worker, or the income certification forms in the case of being an independent worker.

Owning A Mirror Account

As a second requirement, it is essential that the account holder to operate on the stock exchange has a current account with the same name, this concept is called “mirror account.” The reason why Brokers and stockbrokers demand this is that they do not accept cash deposits. The reason for this is to justify the origin of the flows, and so the money contributed to invest does not come from money laundering.

Consider Fixed And Variable Expenses

Acquiring financial instruments entails assuming costs, where these can be fixed or variable depending on the stockbroker for which one invests, for this point it is vital to analyze all brokers and see which one suits us best.

Consider The Minimum Amount To Invest

It is important at this time and complemented with costs, how much the minimum capital to invest is. The reason is that at very risky investments, financial backs are obtained, but it depends on what the investor expects and how much you want to invest, the broker or broker more advisable.