Why search engine rankings are dropping and how you can protect yours

It has been observed during last couple of years that search engine rankings of most of the websites have been dropped. Most of these websites had been on the first page for years but suddenly their rankings dropped. What is the reason behind the drop in their rankings?

Rank Brain – the new Google algorithm

Google had launched its new search engine algorithm in 2015. It is a machine learning artificial intelligence algorithm that monitors the dwell time of every visitor on your webpage. Dwell time is the time spend by a visitor on your webpage. It calculates the average dwell time of total visitors. If the average dwell time is 10-15 seconds, it drops the ranking of that webpage immediately. Rank Brain is the reason behind the drop in rankings of all those websites.

How you can protect your rankings

If you want to save your rankings, you will have to do something to increase the average dwell time spend by people on your blog. There are several things you can do to increase the dwell time.

  • Increase the readability of your content. Break down sentences so it is easier to read.
  • Use larger fonts.
  • Create content that provides value to the people.
  • Write content in an engaging tone.
  • Write content that provides new information or cater to a passion.
  • Keyword density must be 2-3%.

These are few methods you can do to save your rankings from dropping down. Your rankings would increase as well.

Hire experts in the field of SEO

If you find all of this a little overwhelming then you must think about hiring a company that provides professional seo services[jasa seo professional, which is the term in Indonesian]. They will do all the hard work and their services might cost a little but the results would be long-lasting.